In this contemporary story the reader will find surprising romance, a little Hollywood history and glamor, a surprise twist and it is a real page turner! Garvin puts the reader into the behind the scenes world of Universal Studios in Hollywood.
I Can’t Believe it is National Cheeseburger Day!
So get to grilling, I bet you can come up with your own combination for National Cheeseburger Day! Enjoy!
Losing Jimmy Buffett, and the way things used to be
The needle only skips where the scratches are.
A Rule of Life by Patricia Brandon is full of Mystery, Mountain Folklore, Love and Laughter
I learned about Sin Eaters this week. I had never heard of them before reading A Rule of Life by Patricia Brandon. This new novel, by a South Carolina author, is captivating. The idea for the novel came from Brandon’s experiences at camp Merri-Woode in Sapphire, North Carolina. Brandon was speaking at the Hudson Library in Highlands, North Carolina recently, where I was able to hear her speak. I enjoyed learning about her experiences as a young camper and why she chose to write about Sin Eaters.
Rich Men North of Richmond a Work of Creative Genius
by Mary Spearman One of my first jobs was selling records, tapes, and compact discs […]