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Best Beach Read of 2023

Picking a good book for the beach can be a daunting task. I always like to read books about beaches that I have visited or know something about. After careful consideration, this year I have settled on Susan M. Boyer’s Big Trouble in Sullivan’s Island. This is a breezy and quick page turning mystery that will keep you interested. I enjoy the way Boyer weaves landmarks and places into her story that are found throughout the state of South Carolina.

To begin, Hadley is still angry and morning the death of her mother. Sadly, she blames her father, but that is just the one part of the back story. There are several unknowns in this one from the very beginning. For instance, why would a rich millionaire, let her live rent free in his beach house? It sounds too good to be true. Also, why would someone murder the sweet character that was murdered? How does everything connect. The questions are floating through my head as I read which is why I love a good mystery! Susan M. Boyer has been writing books for quite sometime had has a whole series of mysteries. I have read several of them through the years and to me they are all worth checking out. Check out her website for more information on her great South Carolina based books. https://susanmboyer.com/

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