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The Last Herd

clone tag: 5470694964553898692


Mary Stewart Spearman

The Last herd standing at the gate

Sweetly nourished in their plight

Not really knowing their true fate

They didn’t put up much of a fight.

Soft mooing and nudging in the field

For the best spot at the gate

Large bales of harvested hay yield

To an unrelenting fate. 

Nourishment comes at the hand of the one

Sweet, dry, hearty relief.

He unties the bales and cast towards the sun

Not thinking about the grief.

The last Thanksgiving together they shared

A meal of blessings 

Unaware of the future that they both bare

There was no confession.

The last herd standing at the gate 

Happy, healthy and cared for

Living their purpose not worried about fate

For they were the Last Herd, no more.

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